The city of Huntington Park, California, is seeking bids from qualified firms
to supply Cobrahead style LED streetlights for an upcoming streetlight
replacement initiative. The project will replace existing high pressure sodium
(HPS) streetlights with new, energy efficient led street light fixtures.The new
LED streetlight fixture is expected to reduce energy consumption by at least 50
percent. Bidders are required to supply one functional product sample which will
be tested for compliance.One of Australia's best known and most photographed
landmarks, has been incorporated into the annual Vivid Sydney light festival,
which draws thousands of interstate and international visitors.The ambitious
project has been coordinated by lighting designer Iain Reed, who lit Sydney's
tallest buildings for Skyscraper Illuminati as part of Vivid 2011.
"The Bridge is such an amazingly beautiful structure both from the outside
and inside," says Reed. "I wanted people to have the chance to play with its
appearance, to turn it into a kind of fairy tale.Reed and his crew of ten worked
through the night for weeks to install the lights and hundreds of kilometres of
cable to power them.More than 60 different light installations are featured in
Vivid Sydney, including projections on the Opera House, a Doctor Who special on
Customs House and a light walk from Circular Quay to Darling Harbour, where
viewers can watch an incredible laser light show.
Based on the initial review, it is anticipated that over the 20-year lifespan
of the equipment the city would see a net savings of approximately $50 million
after the paydown of the capital costs.The report recommends looking at carrying
out the program with an energy service company, which would finance the work and
then be reimbursed by the city from a portion of wholesale nichia 160w led high bay light. Any money saved
after the costs are paid would be shared by the city and the company.The
proposal will be discussed by council’s transportation committee.Transportation
general manager Bob Boutilier said the potential savings surprised him when they
were examined last year. "That one was absolutely amazing. We went through and
had everybody analyze it from the standpoint that it can’t be true," he said.
"The energy saving is phenomenal."
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