We have chosen Osram’s Multi Chipled LEDs because the RGB chips in these LEDs can be driven individually to mix any color required thereby producing extremely accurate pixel colors for vivid images, and also the product has a black surface with diffused resin to provide highest contrast possible in our screens,” said Seokhwa Kim, president of Atech Korea. “They also come in a led high bay light package, making it possible to have a pixel spacing of only 2 mm. In effect, millions of pixels can be accommodated in an area of less than 10 m², sufficient to display pictures in resolution of 1980 x 1080 HDTV with brilliant colors and excellent contrast.”
“Our Multi Chipled series come in an ultra black package that hardly reflects any ambient light at all and the high image quality is maintained even in very bright environment,” said Kai-Chong Cheng, Senior Marketing Director APAC of Osram Opto Semiconductors. “Moreover, the color impression remains constant across the entire viewing angle of 100˚. That is why, Multi led high bay Chipled LEDs are ideal for display applications in public space such as shopping malls, exhibition halls and being a true LED TV.”
Nobody in a public space will be willing to pick up eyewear just to watch public video displays that are mostly of an infotainment nature. It is therefore believed that the potential of 3D will be unlocked by the ridding off of glasses. While Atech has developed a “Lenticular Lens” to deliver 3D images without the use of glasses, this “Lenticular Lens” is also capable of converting 3D images to 2D, depending on the display requirements. With the use of Osram’s Multi Chipled, these displays have high resolution, good picture quality and high brightness. They are expected to draw many eyeballs and will become the focal points in public places.