
while LED panels only need to be turned on occasionally

Since the hazard levels in the standard are specific to the operating conditions of radiating products, it is impossible for LED component manufacturers to provide conclusive eye safety information specific to the end product implementation of their parts.  For this and other reasons, it is critical that product manufacturers incorporating LEDs properly test and label their products for their intended system application.Orb Optronix offers product evaluation to the ANSI/IESNA RP-27 Recommended Practice for Photobiological Safety for Lamps and Lamp Systems, and led high bay light as a service to the LED and Solid State Lighting communities.In addition to its measurement services related to current standards, Orb Optronix works closely with medical physicist David Sliney, Ph.D., an expert in photo-biological safety, to provide additional in-depth analyses.

Until recently, there was confusion among manufacturers about the use of proper classification standards in differing markets.  For instance, in some countries, products containing LEDs required a classification under a product standard intended for lasers, not LEDs.  Fortunately, the recently published second edition of this laser product standard, which was sometimes difficult to apply to LEDs, no longer includes LEDs in its scope.  IEC 62471 replaces IEC 60825-1 internationally for LEDs and provides methods to assess the risk of LEDs by classifying their risk group.In LED traffic sign applications, the dark pixels will still consume a lot of power over long periods of time. To solve this problem, the MBI5037 provides two power-saving modes: sleep mode and 0-Power mode. Both modes feature only 100uA power consumption and reach new stage of smart power-saving in LED traffic sign applications.

The MBI5037 can enter in sleep mode and wake up compulsorily by command. It is suitable for LED traffic sign applications while LED panels only need to be turned on occasionally. In the 0-Power mode, the led high bay light can save power automatically when all the output data are 0. It is suitable for LED traffic message sign, which partial of the LEDs are always turned-off. With MBI5037, users can easily design in their LED traffic sign applications with high efficiency, reliability and low cost.

