
national borders can drive shared value for the company

Mark Vachon, vice president, ecomagination said, "The Challenge is now an established platform at led linear high bay light. Looking ahead, we'll continue to accelerate growth through new partnerships and an additional commitment of $20 million to fund commercial pilots with innovators we have found through the Challenge. The Challenge has also changed how we do business at GE - we learned that accelerating open innovation across public, private and national borders can drive shared value for the company and its partners."

Judging for the GE ecomagination Challenge was conducted by a panel of experts including individuals from GE's business units, representatives from academia, venture capital firms, government research firms and others. Launched on July 13, 2010, the GE ecomagination Challenge is a $200 million open innovation challenge to uncover ideas to create smarter, cleaner, more energy efficient technology to improve our energy future.

It’s a three-year project which is known as led high bay light. According to the project, they will industrialize smart LED systems in France by simplifying functioning and assembly, reducing the mechanics and electronics of current LED systems, and incorporating the latest LED features.

