In joining Lumenpulse, I join a strong team that combines technology expertise with superior design to produce high quality, led high bay light performance products. I believe Lumenpulse is the right company, with the right products to supply the fast growing LED fixtures market.” said Christiani.
Founded in 2006, Lumenpulse develops and manufactures high performance, sustainable architectural LED-based fixtures and solutions for commercial, institutional, and urban environments. Attention to detail in mechanical, optical and fixture design has positioned Lumenpulse as a leader in the global LED lighting marketplace for indoor and outdoor uses. In addition to comprehensive product family offerings, Lumenpulse also specializes in the design, manufacturing and commissioning of large scale, customized, LED lighting solutions worldwide.
Thermal Technology, a leading manufacturer of crystal growth equipment and high temperature furnace systems, announced that it signed a 40-unit order for its Model K1 sapphire crystal grower with a customer in Taiwan. This is Thermal Technology’s largest single order to date, and signifies the led linear high bay light company’s credibility and growing presence in the sapphire crystal LED market.